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Twisted Metal 3 Tips and Hints
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Thanks to jovan (JJO)

To blow up Big Ben, stop at an angle on the ramp in front of it and shoot the hell out of it for a bit. It will eventually collapse like the TM2 Eiffel Tower.
There is a hidden tunnel in London. A short distance from the clearing, next to the largest structure with the warp inside is a wall that reads 'KEEP OUT'. Blast it away and you will find a secret tunnel with a few weapons inside. This passageway comes in handy when going up against MINION (boss#2) at the end of the round. Unlike TM2 (Amazonia round 2), you still have to fight MINION even if you're playing as him.

Area 51:
On the first floor, go to the blue glass walls that say 002 in between them. On the blue wall on the left, aim a missile at the 2nd from the bottom right blue glass tile and fire. It will open to reveal a new transporter which takes you inside the ship for a few weapons pick-ups plus six aliens in the wall, which you apparently can't do anything to.
To get to the transporter in the ufo, shoot all 4 of the lights around the perimeter. The red grid around the transporter will be gone and you can go to the other two levels of the ufo. Aim your car just right and shoot the ufo that flys overhead. This will break the glass and kill the other players. You can also take the other transporter on the third floor to the second floor and get the ufo weapon which wreaks major damage to opponents.

Fire at the Sphinx face in the Egypt level for a special surprise. Go to the pyramid with the EVE weapon on top, as soon as you enter (by blowing up the Sacrophigus), look toward the car's right and you'll see a FIREPLACE. Burn it and it takes you straight to the other pyramid.

Calypso's Blimp:
After falling to the bottom level of the blimp, destroy the boxes that are stacked on the ground. Hidden weapons and health icons are hidden inside. In order to destroy the enemies during a Tournament, you must destroy all 4 flashing switches and then the main one (which is in the red room at the top). If you don't do this, the enemies will keep respawning.
The easiest way to finish off Prime Evil is to wait for him by the portal near the opening on the first floor (the opening where you die if you go into). When he shows up from the left, freeze him, then place a plastic explosive to the left of him and detonate it. This will send him out of the opening killing him for good. Now you're on your way to victory!

Drive your car up to the big fan in the Tokyo level and teeter on the edge. Then, wait for the other characters to chase after you and let them fall into the fan and die. Quickly throw your car in reverse and wreak further destruction. Note: In two player death match, you may have to blow up the fan grid first with a well placed missile.

Go up to the top of the ramp that's closest to the HOLLYWOOD sign and launch a couple of Napalms at it. The sign will blow up.

North Pole:
Blow up Santa's workshop and everything else in the center of the level to find a full health recharge and several weapons (including lightning). Lure a few enemies out there and then get back across the bridge quickly. Use your lightning to fry anybody left on the island. Be careful not to fall into the chasm surrounding the island since the lightning could hit you!
Thanks to jovan (JJO)

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