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Madden 97
  This is a cheat I discovered for NHL Faceoff '97 for PSX.
    First, get the instruction booklet and turn to the credits page.
  Second, go to create a player.
  Now, take any name from the list below. These are the only people it will
  work on:
  Raja Altenhoff
  Tom Braski
  Craig Broadbooks
  Josh Hassin
  Tawn Kramer
  Alan Scales
  Kelly Ryan
  Jody Kelsey
  Chris Whaley
  Peter Dille 
  Craig Ostrander

  For their number, put it on one (1) for any of the names.
  For their position, put it on foreward (F) for any of the names.

  For their weight, put it on 150 for any of the names.
  Do not mess with anything else or it will screw the cheat up.
  Now press triangle to exit.
  Finally, go to sign free agents. The player you just created should have a
  number besides 1, should weight more than 150, and should have an overall of
  99. This means he has 99 for everything; skating, passing, shooting, you name
  it. Now sign this player to your team and you're on your way to the top of
  the NHL!

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