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Age of Empires
New & Used PC Games -- Great Prices!
Press enter to type these codes during gameplay:

DIEDIEDIE - Computer dies
RESIGN - You resign your game
REVEAL MAP - Reveals entire map
COINAGE - 1000 Gold
WOODSTOCK - 1000 Wood
QUARRY - 1000 Stone
NO FOG - Removes fog of war
HARI KARI - Suicide
MEDUSA - Turns villagers into medusas, when killed they become riders, when killed again they become heavy catapults.
PHOTON MAN - Get a guy with a laser
E=MC TROOPER - Another guy with atomic bombs
DARK REIGN - Bowmen turn into trees when not moving and can walk on water.
HOYOHOYO - Priests get 600 hps and faster
BIG BERTHA - Catapults become Heavy catapults ICBM - +90 range for Helipolis
BLACK RIDER - Horse archers become Heavy horse archers.
JACK BE NIMBLE - Catapults launch people

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