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Robot: Rocket on Wheels

Enter a code below after pressing PAUSE during gameplay:

Turn Off Cheats:
Up, Z, Right, Up, Down, R, Up, Down, Down, Up

Access All Vehicles:
Up, Down, Z, R, Left, Up, Down, Left, Down, Down

Super Grab:
Down, Left, Right, Z, Down, Right, Down, Down, Down, Left

Super Grapple:
R, R, Right, Up, Z, Left, R, Z, Left, Up

Power Rocket:
Pause the game and press Up, Right, Right, R, Right, R, Z, R, R, Up

Faster Speed:
Z, Right, Down, Up, Down, R, Up, Down, Left, Up

High Jumper:
Pause the game and press Down, Up, Down, Z, Up, Up, R, Up Z

Decrease Friction:
Pause the game and press Up, R, R, Left, Z, Z, Down, Left, Up, Right

Decrease Gravity:
Pause the game and press Z, R, Z, R, Down, R, R, Right, Right, R

Thanks to the codemeister

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