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Mortal Kombat 4

Cheat Options Menu
Go to the Options Menu, and select Continue Options, and hold Block & Run for about 10 seconds (Left C and Down C are the default buttons for Run and Block in Mortal Kombat 4). You can now access the Cheat Options Menu.

Automatic Fatalities
Turn on Automatic Fatalities in the Cheat Menu, then while playing hold Down and press High Punch from anywhere to do an Automatic Fatality get close to the other fighter to do the Pit Fatalities.

Play as Noob Saibot
Select the Hidden Button with A on the character select screen, then move up two, left one to Reiko, and press Run & Block.

Change Character Colors and Weapons
At the character select screen hold Start and press any button this will change everyones outfit. There are up to 4 different choices of clothes & weapons per character.

Play As Goro
Select the Hidden Button with A on the character select screen, then move up three, left one to Shinnok, and press Run & Block.

Kombat Codes
Enter the codes at the 2 player Vs. Screen when the 2 character pictures are facing each other. There are two three digit numbers at the bottom. The first three are for Controller 1 The second three are for Controller 2 The numbers correspond to the number of times you press: Low Punch for the 1st number Block for the 2nd number Low Kick for the 3rd number

The Codes:
Explosive Kombat Code :
050 050

Throwing Disabled Cheat :
100 100

Maximum Damage Disabled And Throwing Disabled :
110 110

Free Weapon Code :
111 111

No Power Code :
123 123

Random Weapons Code :
222 222

Unlimited Run Cheat:
001 001

Weapon Kombat Code:
002 002

Maximum Damage Disabled Code:
010 010

Noob Saibot Cheat:
012 012

Red Rain Code :
020 020

Big Head Code 321 321

Randper Kombat Code :
333 333

Armed And Dangerous Cheat :
444 444

Many Weapons Cheat :
555 555

Silent Kombat Code :
666 666

Stage Select Kombat Codes :
Elder God Stage :
033 033

Tomb Stage :
044 044

Rain Stage :
055 055

Reptiles Stage :
066 066

Temple :
101 101

Living Forest :
202 202

Prison Stage :
303 303

Snow stage :
313 313

Goro's Dungeon :
011 011

Scorpion's Stage :
022 022

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